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Check Our Harvest Schedule for Seasonal Availability:
View our estimated Harvest scheduleVegetables: Arugula, beans, edamame, bitter gourd, bok choy, cabbages, carrots, collards, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ridge gourds, gongura, kale, lettuce, Malabar spinach, mustard greens, okra, peppers, radishes, squash, Swiss chard, tomatoes, zucchini and more
Herbs: Basil, holy basil, cilantro, chives, dill, spearmint, oregano, parsley, Thai basil, thyme, sage, catnip, and stevia.
Tomatoes: 15 varieties including many heirloom tomato and cherry tomato varieties.
Peppers: 9 varieties including both spicy and sweet peppers each chosen for superior taste.
Eggplant: 5 varieties including Middle Eastern, Japanese, Italian and Indian varieties.
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New Brunswick Community Farmer's Market
West Windsor Community Farmer's Market
Robbinsville Farmers Market
"Do you have Snapping Turtles?" Is a common question when people hear our name. The answer is “Yes!” but we don’t raise them or sell them; instead we have a large number of wild snapping turtles on our farm.
The wetlands where Cranbury Brook and Cedar Brook join together make up part of our farm and form two sides of our fields. In the early spring and summer snapping turtles migrate across our fields looking to lay their eggs.
Our enjoyment of watching the wild snapping turtles in and around the farm led to us giving the farm its name.